1What are the stages of lupus?
Lupus is a variable disease and may present in different ways from mild disease including skin rashes and joint pain to severe organ involvement such as kidney, brain and heart involvement.
2What diet should I follow if I have arthritis?
It depends on the type of arthritis- if it is gout- a low purine diet is recommended. For all forms of inflammatory arthritis, the recommendation is to follow a “Mediterranean” diet- plant based, rich in anti-oxidants.
3Do I have to take methotrexate for the rest of my life?
The aim of using methotrexate is to attain remission, the medication dose may then be reduced , however it is usually required on a chronic basis.
4Is there a cure for arthritis?
Currently we use synthetic and biologic disease modifying drugs to attain remission, many new drugs are in the pipeline to try and achieve early remission which has best chance of long lasting remission, provided they are used early in the course of the disease.
5Can I have a healthy pregnancy if I have arthritis?
Yes, however this is best done with prior planning and consultation with the rheumatologist and obstetrician and when the disease is in remission.
6How important are sleep and exercise in the management of arthritis?
Good sleep hygiene is essential in coping with arthritis and maintain good physical function. Exercise not also maintains a good physique, it promotes an optimal weight and good cardiovascular health and a sense of well being.
7What are disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and biologics agents?
These agents go beyond providing symptoms relief. They aim to control the disease at a cellular and molecular level by regulating the abnormal immune system.
8What other therapies can help my arthritis besides medication?
Several natural remedies can assist in promoting a sense of wellbeing. Exercise, yoga, pilates, aromatherapy, regular meditation can all assist in attaining remission.